Friday 22 October 2010

Title Block Analysis

This title block is designed in black bold capital letters with an explanation mark at the end. Having the text in black it gives connotations of morning, death, negativity etc. Immediately the reader is able to identify that this is a rock music magazine due to the vague colours and the onomatopoeic denotation of an electric guitar sound, the lines going across the text is representing guitar strings. A guitar is often played by rock bands or people who are interested in rock music. The fact that the title block is scratched and damaged suggests that this magazine is not targeted at sophisticated audience but it’s rather aimed at young teenage rock fans.

The font of this title block is styled in a way in which a sophisticated connotation is portrayed. The letters are stylishly close together showing that genre is modern rock and pop music. Having the letter ‘R’ prolonged almost make the reader articulate the word ‘rolling’ which emphasizes the rock genre. The Colour of the text is vibrant red which help the title block stand out from the white and black 3D shadow effect.
 Through my own research I gathered that the title block ‘rolling stone’ comes from the saying “a rolling stone gathers no moss” meaning that a person who doesn’t settle in one place can ever be successful in what they do. This gives me the idea that it’s aimed at a mature middle aged audience (which are more likely to understand this saying)
The title itself tells us that the magazine is targeted at male and female who are interested in rock and pop music.

NME stands for ‘New Musical Express ‘. The word ‘new’ indicates that the music produced in the article is modern which gives a clue that it’s aimed at young people. The red letters is attracting the reader’s eyes. Having the white and black border around the red letter enhances the attraction as it almost creates a 3D effect. The colours used in the title font tell me that NME article are very confidant and the fact that the text is bold it makes it have a direct address mode. The font gives an impression that the music genre featured in this article is rock indie.