Wednesday 13 October 2010


Immediately the reader is able to identify that this is a rock music magazine due to the vague colours and the onomatopoeic Masthead of a guitar. having all five members of a rock band with pale faces, dark circles on their eyes and blood smudged all over them - on the front cover shows that this magazine is clearly targeting at a more immature teenage group, probably age 16+ who are interested in hard core noisy and violent sounds/lyrics.                 
The blood gives the imprison that they killed someone and the fact that the young man in the middle has got his fingers to his lips telling the reader to ‘shh’ (not to tell anyone), this reinforces  the stereotypical teenagers rebelling to society’s norms. However this can be interpreted in a different way, where the blood may be indicating their pain and emotional journey they have been together to hell and back, demanding the reader to feel sympathy for them.
The article is addressing the reader in a tensed direct mode, as they are looking straight at the camera with stiff facial expression. This suggests they want a personal relationship with the audience.
On the front cover of the Kerrang magazine a few images are showed of other artists. Ozzy Osbourne one of the most famous well known rock singer and writer; having his image is on the right hand side attracts the target audience’s attention as well as having other famous rock singers like Metallica and Green day.  This article happens to represent these music artists as loud, fun and devious as they are all shouting, screaming and laughing with conniving facial expressions.
The headline ‘Bring me the horizon’ (name of the rock band) refers to there being a thin line between heaven and hell. In this case the five young boys have experience the hell life style. The sub headline ‘rise again!’ this text anchors the image on the centre implying that the band group have raised from the dead. Connoting that they are spiritually dead but their body is still functioning in a abnormal way.

The buzz words e.g. ‘Exclusive’ stands out because its written in white and the background is red. The word exclusive makes the reader feel special since they have access of the latest rock entertainment music magazine.
The title blog on the other hand is scratched and messy enhancing the violence theme of the article.
Finally the puff gives information to the reader what other people will be featured in Kerrang music article, by highlighting the names and rock bands legends the reader know what to expect.

On the other hand the puffs suggest to the audience that there will be a lot of information about bands. It only states name of the bands and artists. The magazine expects to get audience who are very interested in rock legends.

The three main colours used are red, black and white.  These colours are connoting negativity, death and evil which emphasize the serious mood and tone the article is addressing to the reader.
The designer of the article use different techniques and strategies to draw the reader’s attention, using linguistic devices like the alliteration - ‘live and loud’ making it more exciting to read.  The uses of contrasting colours work well to make it easier to read, as well as the font and size.