Thursday 14 October 2010

'Kerrang' Double Page Analysis

The gruesome cropped images are spread out neatly on the page whist the writing is on the sides to not get in the way. The image is telling a story and has a significant message behind it. Each image is connoting that: ‘no matter how much you protect your self there’s no way to escape death’ for example the first image is of one of the boy-band member sitting next to a girl, representing the people who have STD (supporting their slogan ‘Germs Spread disease, be afraid of what you can’t see’). The next image is of another boy-band member who is holding a porn magazine whist the woman dresses as a nurse is pointing at his ears, this is suggesting that nowadays the things that young people see and
hear merely corrupted their minds. The following two pictures are simply implying that whether you’re a child or an old person, (doesn’t matter how vulnerable you are) you’re still at risk. The slightly bigger image on the left hand corner: nurse behind the young boy with one hand on his chest putting her finger to her lips which links back to the front page because the young man in the middle is putting his fingers to his lips, implying that there is a dark secret as to why he is suffering, noticing that she is looking straight at the camera but he is not gives an impression that he is not in control of himself anymore also that he is being possessed.                                                                                                                          Last but not least the large centre image: both weird looking nurses standing on each side are positioned so that they look like they are whispering in the young boys hears, having them, wearing different coloured costume indicates that he has to different voices speaking and possessing his mind.                                                                                                                                      
The article is intentionally addresses the reader in an informal manor as the article is targeted at young people. Profane and colloquial language is used constantly through the article e.g. ‘I was pissed off....your F***ing dead mate’. the article does not demand prior knowledge so therefore it easier to appeal to a different range of audience.
The back ground is black and the writing is white, the two colours contrast each other so that its easier for the audience to read it. The people wearing white t-shirts make the blood stand out to emphasize the violence, pain and suffering that they have been through in their lives.
Over all the entire article has a much deeper message then it seems. The band share their personal experience through the article, they show through the pictures on the front cover, contents as well as the double spread page that there is a profound  meaning of life using their lyrics and subliminal images to portray that.  They advertise their new album ‘there is a Hell’ – which sets a tone of what lurks within, the whole concept is based around the idea of heaven and hell, not in a religious perspective of where the soul goes after death but in a sense of hell itself being on earth for the living; those moments of life’s journey that are filled with ‘suffocating periods of bleakness, frustration and sorrow’.                                                                                                                  I’ve gathered that the reader and the main artistes featured in the Kerrang music magazine have a intermit relationship because they share the same spiritual beliefs and have their own way of expressing it.(subculture )