Tuesday 12 October 2010


The music artist Jay-z is featured on this double spread page, the fact that it’s Jay-z, the audience is able acknowledge that they are reading a Hip-Hop magazine. Having Jay-z’s image on the right hand side of the double spread enhance the Hip-Hop genre which suggests that the target audience are Hip-Hop fans. The choice of words used in this article clarifies that the article is targeting not only at Hip-hop fans but informed intelligent fans, using metaphors to describe things and sophisticated words such as distained, for example, which is not used by young people nowadays. However the article contains little profane language which adds humour and keeps the reader entertained.
The article stars with Jay-z explaining what the ‘WTF face’ is, by-all- means he is referring to the image on the left hand side of the article. Having Jay-z in the centre of the front cover and having a close up image of him in this double spread page represents his importance and power. The buzz word used in the front cover of the magazine is being used again on this double spread sheet as a headline to show that he is one of ‘the most important people’ in the whole of the article.
The main colours in this article are white, red and black similarly to the front page. The colours are simple and not so bright, it suits with the picture. The colour red on his image connotes danger, power and prestige. Having the colour red on one side of the image suggests that he has the best of both worlds and that he has what he wants also that he is different to everyone else.
The article is laid out neatly: one side of the double page is written and the other side is token up by the close up image of the music artist Jay-z which makes it interesting and quicker for the audience to read. The style of text uses is Times new roman which is clear and easy to read and adds on to the sophisticated style of the magazine. the letter ‘H’ and ‘T’ are each written in large fonts on the start of one of the paragraphs so that the reader it  attracts the reader’s eye, make them stop and read the article before they turn the page. The faded red capital letter ‘J’ is positioned at the centre of the article (his initials).
This article is addressing the reader in a conversational tone to make the reader feel comfortable and involved. The text is clear and straight forward, discussing with the reader about things that they should already know about (the article is demanding prior knowledge so -      in order to understand the article the reader needs to have knowledge on the given topic otherwise they will not understand or be as interested in the article. (However this was done deliberately because the target audience is interested and has knowledge on this topic)
Through Jay-z’s image he is able to present to the audience his confidence and that he is an independent person