Thursday 7 October 2010

Planning Music Magazine

My magazine is going to be targeted at mature teenage black girls aged 15 to 18, who are interested in gospel music. The reason as to why I chose this specific target audience is because nowadays we don’t see much teenage gospel magazines that appeal to them instead we see more Hip Hop, R&B, Rock etc. therefore I want to do something different and as a gospel fan, i know things that they like and i value their intrest.
My magazine will be priced at £1.99 because most teenagers because do not work and depend on their parents or receive EMA. My weekly music magazine will be affordable; taking 99p from their allowance every month wouldn’t be much.
My magazine will have bright colours to appeal to my target audience it will also contain lots of different images but less words on the front cover because teenagers are not into reading too much. The puffs and headline will be short and snappy words