Friday 22 October 2010

Title Block Analysis

This title block is designed in black bold capital letters with an explanation mark at the end. Having the text in black it gives connotations of morning, death, negativity etc. Immediately the reader is able to identify that this is a rock music magazine due to the vague colours and the onomatopoeic denotation of an electric guitar sound, the lines going across the text is representing guitar strings. A guitar is often played by rock bands or people who are interested in rock music. The fact that the title block is scratched and damaged suggests that this magazine is not targeted at sophisticated audience but it’s rather aimed at young teenage rock fans.

The font of this title block is styled in a way in which a sophisticated connotation is portrayed. The letters are stylishly close together showing that genre is modern rock and pop music. Having the letter ‘R’ prolonged almost make the reader articulate the word ‘rolling’ which emphasizes the rock genre. The Colour of the text is vibrant red which help the title block stand out from the white and black 3D shadow effect.
 Through my own research I gathered that the title block ‘rolling stone’ comes from the saying “a rolling stone gathers no moss” meaning that a person who doesn’t settle in one place can ever be successful in what they do. This gives me the idea that it’s aimed at a mature middle aged audience (which are more likely to understand this saying)
The title itself tells us that the magazine is targeted at male and female who are interested in rock and pop music.

NME stands for ‘New Musical Express ‘. The word ‘new’ indicates that the music produced in the article is modern which gives a clue that it’s aimed at young people. The red letters is attracting the reader’s eyes. Having the white and black border around the red letter enhances the attraction as it almost creates a 3D effect. The colours used in the title font tell me that NME article are very confidant and the fact that the text is bold it makes it have a direct address mode. The font gives an impression that the music genre featured in this article is rock indie.

Friday 15 October 2010

Questionnaire Results & Analysis

These are the results of my questionnaire. I handed the questionnaire to 20 participants to learn more about what my target audience look for in Gospel music magazines, through the outcome result I was able gather some information that I can use to attract potential target audiences.

From the information that I have gathered  from my questionnaire results, I noticed that my finding were unethical  because it doesn’t  show a true picture of what the majority of my target audience is interested in since I only questioned 20 people.  However with my finding I was able to have a clear idea of what attracts my target audience. 

Thursday 14 October 2010

'Kerrang' Double Page Analysis

The gruesome cropped images are spread out neatly on the page whist the writing is on the sides to not get in the way. The image is telling a story and has a significant message behind it. Each image is connoting that: ‘no matter how much you protect your self there’s no way to escape death’ for example the first image is of one of the boy-band member sitting next to a girl, representing the people who have STD (supporting their slogan ‘Germs Spread disease, be afraid of what you can’t see’). The next image is of another boy-band member who is holding a porn magazine whist the woman dresses as a nurse is pointing at his ears, this is suggesting that nowadays the things that young people see and
hear merely corrupted their minds. The following two pictures are simply implying that whether you’re a child or an old person, (doesn’t matter how vulnerable you are) you’re still at risk. The slightly bigger image on the left hand corner: nurse behind the young boy with one hand on his chest putting her finger to her lips which links back to the front page because the young man in the middle is putting his fingers to his lips, implying that there is a dark secret as to why he is suffering, noticing that she is looking straight at the camera but he is not gives an impression that he is not in control of himself anymore also that he is being possessed.                                                                                                                          Last but not least the large centre image: both weird looking nurses standing on each side are positioned so that they look like they are whispering in the young boys hears, having them, wearing different coloured costume indicates that he has to different voices speaking and possessing his mind.                                                                                                                                      
The article is intentionally addresses the reader in an informal manor as the article is targeted at young people. Profane and colloquial language is used constantly through the article e.g. ‘I was pissed off....your F***ing dead mate’. the article does not demand prior knowledge so therefore it easier to appeal to a different range of audience.
The back ground is black and the writing is white, the two colours contrast each other so that its easier for the audience to read it. The people wearing white t-shirts make the blood stand out to emphasize the violence, pain and suffering that they have been through in their lives.
Over all the entire article has a much deeper message then it seems. The band share their personal experience through the article, they show through the pictures on the front cover, contents as well as the double spread page that there is a profound  meaning of life using their lyrics and subliminal images to portray that.  They advertise their new album ‘there is a Hell’ – which sets a tone of what lurks within, the whole concept is based around the idea of heaven and hell, not in a religious perspective of where the soul goes after death but in a sense of hell itself being on earth for the living; those moments of life’s journey that are filled with ‘suffocating periods of bleakness, frustration and sorrow’.                                                                                                                  I’ve gathered that the reader and the main artistes featured in the Kerrang music magazine have a intermit relationship because they share the same spiritual beliefs and have their own way of expressing it.(subculture )  

Wednesday 13 October 2010

‘Kerrang!’ Contents page analysis

The Kerrang! Magazine content page is predominantly dominated by cropped images to keep the reader interested, the images are there to point out what the article features without using too many words and get straight to the point.  Ozzy Osbourne’s image takes up the top half of the Kerrange’s contents page this suggests that he is featuring the secondary lead on the whole article.  The other images on the content page are smaller, the layout is untidy, and everything is nearly all over the place making it hard core which helps the target audience feel more comfortable because they are interested in exiting and messy things however the information is set in columns so that it doesn’t confuse the reader’s eyes. The language used in this article is simple and easy to read, they also abbreviate words   because its target audience is mainly the working class teenagers.
The theme colours chosen are black, white and yellow similarly to the front page; these colours are not so bright put stand out. The font of the text is not suitable for when an individual is addressing a to a sophisticated target audience.
The content page of the Kerrang music magazine is direct addressing the reader in a friendly conversational tone to make them feel comfortable. The Kerrang magazine promotes the £6 per month delivery to attract the interested audience engaged and also enables the reader to have an easy access to reading the Kerrang magazine.
The Kerrang contents page is not demanding prior knowledge; it informs the reader on; the different events (live Gigs) that are going to take place, the music albums that have been recently released, tips on how to use a guitar and interviews on famous rock artists. By not demanding prior knowledge makes it more appealing to a wider range of audience.


Immediately the reader is able to identify that this is a rock music magazine due to the vague colours and the onomatopoeic Masthead of a guitar. having all five members of a rock band with pale faces, dark circles on their eyes and blood smudged all over them - on the front cover shows that this magazine is clearly targeting at a more immature teenage group, probably age 16+ who are interested in hard core noisy and violent sounds/lyrics.                 
The blood gives the imprison that they killed someone and the fact that the young man in the middle has got his fingers to his lips telling the reader to ‘shh’ (not to tell anyone), this reinforces  the stereotypical teenagers rebelling to society’s norms. However this can be interpreted in a different way, where the blood may be indicating their pain and emotional journey they have been together to hell and back, demanding the reader to feel sympathy for them.
The article is addressing the reader in a tensed direct mode, as they are looking straight at the camera with stiff facial expression. This suggests they want a personal relationship with the audience.
On the front cover of the Kerrang magazine a few images are showed of other artists. Ozzy Osbourne one of the most famous well known rock singer and writer; having his image is on the right hand side attracts the target audience’s attention as well as having other famous rock singers like Metallica and Green day.  This article happens to represent these music artists as loud, fun and devious as they are all shouting, screaming and laughing with conniving facial expressions.
The headline ‘Bring me the horizon’ (name of the rock band) refers to there being a thin line between heaven and hell. In this case the five young boys have experience the hell life style. The sub headline ‘rise again!’ this text anchors the image on the centre implying that the band group have raised from the dead. Connoting that they are spiritually dead but their body is still functioning in a abnormal way.

The buzz words e.g. ‘Exclusive’ stands out because its written in white and the background is red. The word exclusive makes the reader feel special since they have access of the latest rock entertainment music magazine.
The title blog on the other hand is scratched and messy enhancing the violence theme of the article.
Finally the puff gives information to the reader what other people will be featured in Kerrang music article, by highlighting the names and rock bands legends the reader know what to expect.

On the other hand the puffs suggest to the audience that there will be a lot of information about bands. It only states name of the bands and artists. The magazine expects to get audience who are very interested in rock legends.

The three main colours used are red, black and white.  These colours are connoting negativity, death and evil which emphasize the serious mood and tone the article is addressing to the reader.
The designer of the article use different techniques and strategies to draw the reader’s attention, using linguistic devices like the alliteration - ‘live and loud’ making it more exciting to read.  The uses of contrasting colours work well to make it easier to read, as well as the font and size.

Tuesday 12 October 2010


The music artist Jay-z is featured on this double spread page, the fact that it’s Jay-z, the audience is able acknowledge that they are reading a Hip-Hop magazine. Having Jay-z’s image on the right hand side of the double spread enhance the Hip-Hop genre which suggests that the target audience are Hip-Hop fans. The choice of words used in this article clarifies that the article is targeting not only at Hip-hop fans but informed intelligent fans, using metaphors to describe things and sophisticated words such as distained, for example, which is not used by young people nowadays. However the article contains little profane language which adds humour and keeps the reader entertained.
The article stars with Jay-z explaining what the ‘WTF face’ is, by-all- means he is referring to the image on the left hand side of the article. Having Jay-z in the centre of the front cover and having a close up image of him in this double spread page represents his importance and power. The buzz word used in the front cover of the magazine is being used again on this double spread sheet as a headline to show that he is one of ‘the most important people’ in the whole of the article.
The main colours in this article are white, red and black similarly to the front page. The colours are simple and not so bright, it suits with the picture. The colour red on his image connotes danger, power and prestige. Having the colour red on one side of the image suggests that he has the best of both worlds and that he has what he wants also that he is different to everyone else.
The article is laid out neatly: one side of the double page is written and the other side is token up by the close up image of the music artist Jay-z which makes it interesting and quicker for the audience to read. The style of text uses is Times new roman which is clear and easy to read and adds on to the sophisticated style of the magazine. the letter ‘H’ and ‘T’ are each written in large fonts on the start of one of the paragraphs so that the reader it  attracts the reader’s eye, make them stop and read the article before they turn the page. The faded red capital letter ‘J’ is positioned at the centre of the article (his initials).
This article is addressing the reader in a conversational tone to make the reader feel comfortable and involved. The text is clear and straight forward, discussing with the reader about things that they should already know about (the article is demanding prior knowledge so -      in order to understand the article the reader needs to have knowledge on the given topic otherwise they will not understand or be as interested in the article. (However this was done deliberately because the target audience is interested and has knowledge on this topic)
Through Jay-z’s image he is able to present to the audience his confidence and that he is an independent person

Thursday 7 October 2010

The ‘Q’ Magazine analysis (content page)

The content page contains various images. The images are clear for example the close up shot of Jay-z with red light and the number 50 on the left hand corner attracts the reader’s eyes immediately. Each image is either a close up, mid shot or long shot this is done so that the reader is able to see them in more details.

The main colours used is red, black and white which is the main colours of the front cover
The main cover stories have a big image and a big number next to it so that it’s easier for the reader to access. The content page is laid out neatly so that it is simple to read. Most if the images are in the middle and the writing is surrounding the pictures.  The bold headlines are written in capital letters to aid the reader of what topic is on what page.

The 'Q' Magazine analysis (front cover)

Music artists Jay-z, Lady Gaga and Dave Grohl are all featured in this article, immediately the viewers is able to identify this is a music magazine, by having these particular artists reinforces the Hip Hop genre.
The target audience for Q magazine are the older generation such as people in their 20's and 30's who are looking for a different mode of address, more sophisticated and just want to know more about the music instead of what colour pants so and so is wearing.
The tree music artist is looking directly at the camera standing up straight emphasizing their power and influence over music. Jay-Z being in front of both Lady Gaga and Dave Grohl enhances his supremacy and high self-esteem, as he is one of the most financially successful hip hop artists and entrepreneurs in America, it also indicates he will be the most talked about inside the article.
A Personal direct mode of address is shown, as the low angle shot was deliberately chosen so that the audience is looking up at them. They want a close relationship with the audience.
The text used on the side this article links to the cropped image used in the magazine. Each artist’s name is on the side to show that news about them will be mentioned in the article. ‘Exciting people’ referring to the main tree people on the front cover.
The overall message that this Q magazine is giving is that the style of music is more sophisticated and mature but it still has ‘swagger’. This magazine cover is informing the audience of ‘the ten most exciting people’ in music industry now, persuading them to continue to listen to the following artist’s music Lady Gaga, Jay-z and Dave Grohl.
The words ‘Exclusive’ and ‘exciting’ are written in bright bold capital letters to pull the audience’s attention, as it is in a different colour to the other words written on the front cover.
The title block is on a red background and the letter ‘Q’ is written in white so that it make it more appealing to the eye, it’s also very simple and sophisticated which links back to the classy target audience.

The neon coloured puffs are marginalized to make the main image stand out as it surrounds the cropped images. Puff links to the star above the main image saying ‘exciting people’ so that the audience know that the people in the main image are the ‘exciting people’, also it uses a low angle, and their posture is quite confident showing that they are important.

Magazine Questionnaire

these questions are designed for my target audience. I am hoping to find useful information that will help me make my magazine more attractive and interesting to read. 

1.     Who is your favourite Gospel artist?
·        Mary Mary
·        Yolanda Adams


2.     What are your three favourite colours suited for a magazine cover?


3.     What name would you prefer for a teenage Gospel magazine?

OH!      J.C DRIVES ME.  J TO THE C  VYG(Victory.Youth.Group)
Other idea?    ...........................................................................

4.     How much are you willing to pay for a Monthly youth Gospel magazine?
5.       Would you like there to be a fashion element included in the magazine
               YES         NO

Planning Music Magazine

My magazine is going to be targeted at mature teenage black girls aged 15 to 18, who are interested in gospel music. The reason as to why I chose this specific target audience is because nowadays we don’t see much teenage gospel magazines that appeal to them instead we see more Hip Hop, R&B, Rock etc. therefore I want to do something different and as a gospel fan, i know things that they like and i value their intrest.
My magazine will be priced at £1.99 because most teenagers because do not work and depend on their parents or receive EMA. My weekly music magazine will be affordable; taking 99p from their allowance every month wouldn’t be much.
My magazine will have bright colours to appeal to my target audience it will also contain lots of different images but less words on the front cover because teenagers are not into reading too much. The puffs and headline will be short and snappy words