Wednesday 29 September 2010

Magazine labelling

We were asked to label any music magazine front cover. By labelling this magazine front cover helps me to know what should be included in my magazine. It labels each main aspect of the magazine which is important.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Preliminary task - Front cover and Contents page

The programme that I used to create the front cover and content page was illustrator. it only took me the first lesson to complete this task as the only tools I used was mainly the 'gradient and the'type' tool which I found quite easy.

  The Front Cover

The Contents Page 

Monday 27 September 2010

Britney Spears - Rolling Stone cover Anaysis

First cover 

The image is cropped to emphasize her body and it’s tightly framed so that she is the centre of attention. This image is a mid shot token at a high angle where the camera is poisoned looking down at her making her look innocent and vulnerable. Her surprised facial expression implies that the viewers court her in a private and interment moment. This image connotes lust/sex this magazine is clearly targeted at young men.

Britney is wearing a sexy black bra and bright pink hot pants, by wearing her school shirt opened brings out that stereotypical "teenager's naive ignorance of life"  even though she is a young teenager she can still show her sexy female side appealing to young teenage boys who want to be invited in her bedroom.

The main props in this magazine are the teletubby, house phone and the bed. The teletubby is a children’s toy symbolizing her innocence, the fact that she on her phone in her bedroom points that she is in a private girly environment. ‘Stereotyping teenage life’. Having the toy on one hand and a phone on the other indicates her psychological changes however the magazine cover can be interpreted in a different way. 
Why is, Britney aged 17 holding a teletubby? I believe that magazine is subliminally connoting that she is holding a sex toy, if you look close enough you can tell that one of her finger is purposely sticking out creating a male genital which is pointing towards her female privet part. The house phone on the other hand is implying that she’s having phone sex not just a normal girly conversation it’s also pointing out that she’s an easy access. Her bright silky bed cover increases the sexual subliminal message.  
The bedroom is used as a setting because it allows the audience to have this personal look at how the young star Britney Spears lives; it is connoting her confidence and high self-esteem. Subliminally delivering the message to teenagers that this is the lifestyle they should be living.

The rolling magazine makes an intertexual reference with the teletubby company. The rolling magazines decide to make Britney hold the purple teletubby. But why the purple one?  Through my own research I have found out that in previous years it was shown that the purple teletubby was being portrayed as being gay. To conclude I believe that it’s subliminally connoting that she is so sexy she can turn a gay reader straight or maybe giving the message that ‘it’s alright to be gay ‘ again showing the typical  teenager rebelling against society’s norms  .                                                                                                                                              
The clear bold text is surrounding her ‘making her look important. ‘Inside the heart, mind and bedroom of a teen dream’ this is referring that the reader will have knowledge of her exterior as well as her interior self. It is also telling the reader that they can relate to her because she’s a teenager just like them 

The hot silk pink cover reinforcing the girly and lusty atmosphere, her bra being the only fully black item makes her breast stand out.

second Cover 

Britney poses seductively in the rolling magazine to drags the target audiences’ attention. Britney is sexually looking straight at the camera giving a sexy smirk. The camera is slightly slanted making it a low angle shot to emphasize her teasing the reader.

She’s only wearing hot pants and a small blanket to cove her beast, teasing the reader making them dribble over the magazine. Britney’s body language: pushing her bum and breast out pulls out that promiscuous theme, she wants the target audience to feel a sexual affection for her. 

Spears is in a tight space (cubicle), her body is being used as a frame for the words of the magazine because the words are surrounding making her the centre of attention connoting the relationship between her and the viewer (close, tight relationship).
The bright high key lights is used to highlight her prestige and above all its to emphasize her cola bottle body shape.
White is the main colour used. The colour white connotes Godly, virginity, heaven etc. It’s Ironic that Britney is naked but has the colour white all around her that connotes positivity, this major contrast has an impact on how the reader look to her  as an icon. The overall message that the colours help deliver is that Britney Spears is much more then what they think she.

Third cover 

This Close up image is similar to a mug shot. This image is chosen to show that Britney spears is going through a new mature faze. The image is black and white to enhance the serious mood, the fact that she’s looking directly to the camera breaks that ‘fourth wall’ between her and the reader almost as if she’s jumping out of the magazine to tell her side of the story. Through her heartbreaking facial expression we can tell that she’s going through a terrible time. Her puppy eyes are the first thing the reader will look at, like they say ‘eyes are the window to the soul’ the eyes are seen as the window to the soul because they can give clues as to what an individual is thinking or is feeling (,We all know that when people just smile with their mouths, the smile is probably false. When the smile includes the eyes, then it is probably genuine. Similarly, boredom can sometimes be detected by a blank stare). In this case Britney is depressed and anguished.

The image has been framed tightly and closes so that the reader is not able to see the background/setting making her the main focus, the audience is able to look at her like a mirror image, this add to personal theme of the magazine cover.

The audience is able to have a real heart to heart personal look at her. in this image Britney looks quite natural e.g. no makeup and bright light is lit up on her face. It’s like she’s a different character all of a sudden, she wants the reader to take her more serious.                                                     

A smaller amount of text adds to her importance and the fact that it says ‘inside an American tragedy’ in capital letter on the side links to the type of atmosphere her image is delivering.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Preliminary Task Images

In this task we were told to take 5 or more images for our school magazine. The following images are the one that I took.I made sure that all of the pictures had something to do with School. ( we were told that the front cover had to be a mid-shot, so I tried taking as many as I could)

                                       A Mid-Shot

A Mid-Shot 

Long Mid-Shot

Long Shot of the student in the cafe 

Sixth Form Entrance